Friday, August 10, 2012

Hot Zone Part 3

I am very undecided about part 3 of The Hot Zone. While I am relieved that part 3 was not as gruesome as 1 and 2, I also found myself being less excited about the book. It was nice to read that the virus was not in the United States. The only question I really have is what reaction would have arose from the people if the Ebola virus would have infected the human race? In this part I learned about Ebola Reston, which is very similar to Ebola Zaire but is more easily transmitted than any other form of the Ebola virus. It is very interesting to me that Ebola Reston can survive on a human host but still have no effect on their health and still show up in their blood work. It leads me to think that the virus will soon become deadly to humans.


  1. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought part one and two were more gruesome than the third. I think if the virus would have came across the human race, the world would be a lot less expressionless.

  2. You make me feel like I'm slacking, as you underlined the title of the book, and I haven't been doing that. I also wonder what the reaction would be, as it would be extremely difficult to quarantine all the people who may have been infected.

  3. I was also wondering how the virus really didn't affect all of the scientists that were exposed to it. I'm thinking that the virus might evolve and become harmful to humans once again.


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