Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Part two of the book was much more fun to read, part one seemed to take ages to read but this was much faster! Ive either gotten use to the nasty talk about the diseases or theyre not talking as much about it i dont remember exactly i just dont remember being as grossed out! I recall focusing more on the labs they were doing. They dont really know much about the Ebola virus so its like Im scared for them while Im reading as they deal with this virus. I cant believe those two people were brave enough to sniff the virus, I could never do something like that! I just want to know if theyre going to be able to stop the virus!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't call them brave for sniffing the test tube, I'd call them stupid. I mean yeah It's not everyday that you have a level 4 virus sneak inside your lab but they should have taken precaution because they KNEW that monkeys were dying from whatever was inside their tube!


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