Friday, August 24, 2012

Final Photos

Vestigial structure- as babies our palms grip whatever they touch to hold ourselves up but as we grow that goes away.

Stigma and style of carpel- flowers have a stigma that stops pollen and a style that connects the stigma and ovary.
meristem- tissue of a plant where growth can occur.
Succession- When a part of nature ends and a new one begins after it much like this grass starts and is followed by the pavement.
Xylem- Transports nutrients of a plant for example wood.
Population- to belong to the same group or species. A neighborhood of people is an example.
Pollen- powder that contains the male sperm of flowers, plants.
R strategist- Spiders produce many children in order to higher the chances of survival.
Detritovore- Beetles much like this one get nutrients from decomposed plants and animal parts.

Modified Root- The root of carrots changes in ways to help gain nutrients.
Predation- Dogs feed on meats and other live animals in order to survive.
Krebs Cycle- Anything that requires oxygen to survive, such as humans, go through the krebs cycle.
Asexual reproduction- Sponges are an example because their offspring come from a single parent and break off their body.
Bilateral symmetry- can be folded over left to right and line up perfectly much like this cookie bag.

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