Friday, August 3, 2012

August 3rd Photos (12)

 Hydrophobic- Hydrophobic means literally "water-hating", therefore anything that does not mix with water is hydrophobic. A common tendency of hydrophobes is to cluster together in water. In this photo, Oil is seen clustering in the cup of water. In the photo below, I poured the cup onto the concrete in hope of the rainbow-like texture to appear, however not enough oil was present. These are characteristics of Hydrophobic substances, they do not mix with water, such as oil, fats, and alkanes.

 Hydrophilic- Hydrophilic means literally "water-loving", therefore anything that mixes with water is hydrophilic. In the photo above, salt is shown. in the photo below, I poured the salt into a cup of water. Since you cannot see the salt due to it dissolving in the water, this shows that salt is hydrophilic.

 Ethylene- Ethylene is the hormone in fruits that allows it to ripen. It can be used for industrial purposes to quicken the ripening process. This apple is close to ripening, which means ethylene is likely active in the apple.

 K-Strategist- K-strategists are organisms which use reproductive strategy and have characteristics of low mortality, long life, and populations near the carrying capacity of the environment. This Oak Tree is an example of a K-strategist, along with humans and elephants to name a few.

 R-Strategist- R-strategists are organisms which have a short life and grow and reproduce extremely fast, then crash and die. Weeds are an example of an R-strategist organism.
 Sporophyte- A sporophyte is an organism which exhibits a spore-producing phase in its life cycle where the alteration of generations can take place. Rose bushes are an example of a sporophyte.

 Parenchyma Cells- Parenchyma cells are the cells in plants which store starch, oils, and water for the plant. They can be found anywhere throughout a plant. However photosynthesis occurs within green chloroplasts that are found in the Parenchyma cells in the leaves of the plant.

 Eubacteria- Eubacteria is one of the Kingdom's of life and includes all bacteria except archeabacteria. Algea is a form of bacteria, therefore it is a form of Eubacteria.

 Littoral Zone Organism- The Littoral Zone is the zone of life  at the shore of any body of water. This is a photo of a frog, (possibly a toad I'm not too sure; it jumped into the water right after I snapped this picture) near the shore of a pond.

 Krebs Cycle- Also known as the Citric Acid Cyle, the Krebs Cycle is the process in which all organisms in an oxygenated environment use to create energy by converting food into energy. Plants get this food through photosynthesis, animals get it through consuming other organisms. This plant represents an organism using the Krebs cycle. 

 Pollen- This flower contains pollen on the stamen in the middle part of the flower. The pollen is carried from flower to flower, fertilizing other plants, by insects.

 Anther and Filament of Stamen- On this flower, you can easily see the dark part at the end of the thin tubes that come out from the middle of the flower. Those thin yellow tubes are the filament and the dark part on the end of the filament is the anther.

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