Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17th Photos (5)

 Cambium- In this photo, the cambium can be seen directly inside the ring of bark; the darker colored stripe towards the outside of the stump. The cambium is responsible for the transport of water solutions within an organism.

 Basidiomycete- This was the coolest thing when I saw it in Peninsula State Park while on vacation in Door County.  Mushrooms growing off of a tree like a shelf?!  These things were strong too! This classifies as a basidiomycete as do a large amount of fungi. Basidiomycetes are fungi that are composed of hyphae and are part of the subkingdom Dikarya. I had to share a few photos just because of how awesome I found this to be. haha.

 Gametophyte- A gametophyte is a multicellular plant phase in which the organism undergoes an alteration of generation. In mosses, the gametophyte phase obtains most of the moss's life.

 Connective Tissue- In vertebrates, such as this awesome bear in Door County, connective tissue helps to bind, hold together, and connect other tissues or organs inside the organism. More Bear Below!

 Introduced Species- Also in Door County, was this ostrich, among other ostriches in the background. Ostriches are not native to Wisconsin, let alone Washington Island. The only way for these big birds to get there was by having humans bring them there and to introduce them to our wonderful weather! (...)

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