Friday, August 3, 2012

AP Bio Scavenger Hunt # 5

Eukaryote: (pink flower) an organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membranes; classified in Domain Eukarya, which includes animals, plants, protists and fungi (unicellular and multicellular). This pink flower is an example of a eukaryotic plant.

Connective tissue: (hand) animal tissue that functions mainly to bind and support other tissues, having a sparse population of cells scattered through an extracellular matrix; connects, supports, binds and separates tissues and organs using collagen and other fibers (cartilage, fatty and elastic tissues). The human hand bones and muscles are connected by connective tissue that allow the hand and fingers to perform functions separately and together.

Long-day plant: (lettuce) a plant that flowers (usually in late spring or early summer) only when the light period is longer than a critical length. Lettuce is an annual plant of the sunflower family, blooming quickly only during the summer months, an example of a long-day plant.

C4 plant: (corn) a plant in which the Calvin cycle is preceded by reactions that incorporate CO2 into a four-carbon compound, the end product of which supplies CO2 for the Calvin cycle

Epithelial tissue: (skin) sheets of tightly packed cells that line organs and body cavities as well as external surfaces; skin covers the entire external surface of the human body, making it an example of epithelial tissue.

Endotherm: (dog) organisms with bodies that are warmed by heat generated by metabolism. This heat is usually used to maintain a relatively stable body temperature higher than that of the external environment; Dogs ingest food to maintain their metabolism and support their internal body temperature of 101 degrees F.

Homologous structures: (forearm) structures in different species that are similar because of common ancestry; all vertebrate limbs are structured in the same way, with the basic divisions/functions of wrist, elbow, and upper arm. In this picture the human and dog have similar fingers and wrists in their arms. 

Hydrophilic: (table salt) having an affinity for water; water loving. Table salt is chemically water loving, meaning that it is readily able to absorb water.

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