Friday, August 10, 2012

6th scavanger hunt post

This picture is show taxis.  Taxis is the motion of a cell, organism, or part that reacts to stimulus.  When a knee is tapped it's reaction is to swing the leg out ward

So my computer isn't showing all of this picture but it is a scar from when my sister has a feeding tube implanted in her.  Epithelial tissue is cells which form a lining on the outside of the body (the skin surrounding) and the inside of the respiratory or digestive system (the feeding tube leaded to her digestive system).

This picture shows a flower which has an ovary.  An ovary is a female reproductive organ which is found in flowers and other organisms. 

This picture shows a frond.  A frond is the leaf plant of a plant, fern, or similiar plant.

The computer is messing up again but this is a bag of seedless grapes which have been effected by gibberllins.  Gibberllins are any group of plant hormones that stimulate stem elongation, germination, and flowering.  
This flower houses the carpel which includes the stigma and style.  The stigma collects pollen so that the flower cannot pollenate itself.  The style is the tube that connects the stigma and the ovary.

Computer doing weird things again.  This picture shows ethylene.  Ethylene is a colorless gas with a sweet odor produced by by ripening fruits and vegetables.

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