Sunday, August 12, 2012

10 Scavenger Hunts Photos

1. Animal that has a segmented body

This beetle is an insect that is composed of segmented body parts. These parts include the antenna, pronotum, abdomen, flight wing, etc.

2. ATP

This plant contains Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is a coenzyme that acts as a catalyst in chemical reactions that are vital to sustaining life.

3. Anther and Filament of a Stamen

The anther and filament of a flowers stamen contain microsporangia which is needed for plant reproduction.

4. Archeabacteria 

This soil contains mesophile archeabacteria that are able to live in moderate climates. This type of archeabacteria is opposite to the extremophile type.

5. Auxin Producing Area of a plant

The bud of this flower produces Auxin, which is an important hormone that plays a role in development and growth. The Auxin is produced here and sent throughout the plant.

6. C3 Plant

This plant is an example of a C3 Plant because it undergoes C3 carbon fixation and thrives in a moderate climate.

7. Enzyme

This flower contains many enzymes that catalyze specific plant operations. An example of this is the R2R3-MYB enzyme transcription factor which regulates the opening of a flower.

8. Gymnosperm cone

This cone came off of a seed-producing plant known as a gymnosperm. The cone itself acts as a seed for reproduction.

9.  R-Strategist

These weeds are an example of r-strategist because they reproduce at an expedited rate compared to k-strategist, and with less discretion. This is why weeds run rampant if not controlled.

10. Lipids

This multivitamin that I take contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K that play a role in energy storage through the structural components of my cell membranes.

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