Friday, August 3, 2012

10 Pictures

This is the dried up ovary of a poppy flower!

Adaptation of a plant stepping on these are extreemly painful since they have "needles" to keep animals from eating them.

Predation I put an ant in this spiders web the ant is a goner!

Pollinator this small insect is helping to pollinate this flowering weed

Population we always have quite a population of chicadees in our backyard

stigma and style of carpel this stigma and style came from a lily called a stargazer
Pollin this sunflower is filled with pollin 

Anther and filament  this is the anther and filament from the stargazer
Spore The black coloring on top of this fungus is from the spores of another fungus

Detrouore this fungus is feeding in dead plant matter in our yard. Gross!!

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