Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Hot Zone Part Two
I thought this was the best part of the reading, I enjoyed this part more than part one. I learned that there are things that help prevent the spread of diseases the monkeys are carrying including a safe house. I know that monkeys are the one who carry the disease not humans.  I thought it was foolish that the workers inside the safe house don’t use anything to protect themselves from getting a virus from the monkeys. I learned more about how the scientists test blood for diseases such as Ebola and Marburg . I was glad the government took the diseases seriously because if they didn’t that’d be kind of ridiculous. I questioned whether or not the disease would pass onto humans, but I got my answer later on in the reading.  


  1. I found it very shocking also that some of the workers were not wearing masks, its like do you realize you're in a level 4 hot zone...

  2. I thought the second part was better too and i agree with the precations the workers should be taking but are not.


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