Friday, July 27, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 2

   Part two of The Hot Zone proved to be a bit more difficult to read than part one. With so many new characters in the new section, it is more challenging to keep up with who is who. I enjoyed Part two more than part one. I feel like I am learning more with every page I read. Though the rather grusome details of this book have died down, there are some things that still make me cringe. Reading about the infected monkeys and how they suffered from the Ebola virus was unfortunate, but also interesting to read about.
   In this section I learned many new things. I learned the virus does not spread fast from host to host. I also learned about the procedures that the army had to undergo due to the outbreak of the virus. Even after this reading I still have a couple of unanswered questions. One of my questions is, how has the virus not spread to more of the population if it is thought to be highly contagious My main concern is, is the virus airborne?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Katie on enjoying Part Two more than Part One! The horrifying details have simmered down, and the book is becoming a lot more attention grabbing. I had the same questions in mind as well.


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