Friday, July 27, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 2

      In Part Two, I felt much more comfortable reading about the diseases and I felt more immune to it than in Part One. It wan't as horrifying as Part One was, with all the disgusting details about the viruses. I am getting to like this novel more and more because I almost feel like I am figuring out clues to the diseases and diagnosing them myself. I never know what is going to happen next and that is the interesting part. It really got my attention when Jahrling was testing the samples to see which flask would glow under the ultaviolet light, and the Mayinga started to glow brightly. He then had a good idea that the monkeys were dying of Ebola Zaire. Also, the novel is so interesting because just one virus can have millions of cells and can take days to scan them and discover what the virus is.
     I learned many things in Part Two. One thing I learned is that viruses can be either very contagious or not that contagious at all.  I also learned that when the virus was announced  what the army all had to do when that happened. Also, I learned that it was quite fasinating when you are looking through a microscope, you can identify many different viruses just by how they look with their size and shape.
     The questions that I have is how did the Ebola Zaire start and where did it come from? Another question is how can this virus get to one host to another; secretions, blood, air?

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