Friday, July 13, 2012

 this picture is representing asexual reproduction. These "sponges" reproduce in an asexual manner. They allow their soap sud " eggs" or "sperm" into the water and they combine with out any physical connection.
 This butterfly is a pollinator. A pollinator is an animal or other thing that carries pollen from one plant to another. A butterfly does so by sitting on a plant and moving to another.
 Don't pay attention to the butterfly it isn't important. The flower though is representing pollen. The green circle in the middle of the flower has a hinge of yellow in it which wold be the pollen of the plant.
 This is an itty bitty spider that i killed with my door. On accident. Anyway this spider is an ectothermic insect that is also an arthropod!!
These all are roots. There are carrots, ginger root, garlic, and daikon root. They represent modified stems of plants. They are modified or specialized because the "good part" of the plant is underground and the rest is just on the top of the soil and bears no food.
 This Husky dog is an adapted animal. It lives in harsh cold weather so they have heavy coats. Their coats are white which are good for camouflage from other animals.
 Tomatoes are genetically modified plants because they sometimes have chemicals added to them to make them more red or much larger same goes for bananas except bananas are yellow.

 This is my little sister and she is eating some hershey's. Well thats food and food has enzymes which is what i represented in this picture.

This is a little birdy that ran into our back yard and this bird is an endothermic organism.

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