Friday, July 6, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt: Week 1

Photos Week 1: These photos contain a black pen to ensure that I took them myself.

This is an amniotic egg.  Reptiles, mammals, and birds lay amniotic eggs, which contain a yolk to nourish the developing organism.  Eggs are used to protect the organism as it grows.

This is a lipid used for energy storage. Vegetable oil is a lipid used for energy storage because it is a fat. A fat's main function is energy storage for both plants and animals.

This is an ectotherm. Fish, amphibians, and reptiles are ectotherms. An ectotherm is an animal whose body does not produce much internal heat. Its body temperature changes depending on the temperature of the environment. Refering to ectotherms as "cold-blooded" is misleading because the blood of ectotherms is often quite warm.
This is an autotroph. Autotrophs are organisms that are able to make energy-containing organic molecules from inorganic raw material by using basic energy sources such as sunlight. Plants are the best example of autotrophs, using photosynthesis.

Soap is a hydrophilic substance. Hydrophilic substances are water loving. They can be useful to humans in many ways, especially for keeping things clean in industrial settings.

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