Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Part One: The Hot Zone

I find the book rather intersting, but quite disturbing.  It is very well written and quite descriptive which made the gross parts all that more disgusting. I learned a lot about the process of preparing to go into a hot zone and the all the procautions that go along with it.  I am intrigued to know how Ebola is actually transferred.  I'm really hoping that it is revealed in part two.


  1. I completely agree with you on the disgusting aspect of part one. It was really interesting to learn about all of the safety measures taken when entering a hot zone, and I'm also curious as to how Ebola is spread.

  2. I agree with you. The book is very descriptive, but it gives me a good visual of the situations that are going on at whatever point in the book.

  3. I compleatly agree with you also! It was educational but disturbing at the same time!

  4. I agree that it was pretty gross and disgusting but i'm also glad that they gave us such great details into the virus and it's effects, it could help us figure out how it's spread.


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