Friday, July 20, 2012

Late Part 1 Review of The Hot Zone because I was on vacation.

What did you think?
In the begging I was socked by how descriptive this book is. The more I read, though, the more I got into the book. I have also started to realize that i have been rooting for the characters even though I know they are probably going to die. I also liked how the reader is able to see what it's like to get Ebola and what the people go through after they get it.

What did you learn?
I learned what a persons blood can hold and now dangerous it can be. I also learned how you differentiate the levels of disease and what that means.

What questions do you still have?
Right now i do not have any questions.

1 comment:

  1. I was also extremely shocked, basically horrified, at how descriptive and gross the book is but if it wasn't it would completely take away the seriousness of the concept behind the virus. IN addition to that I have also found myself hoping they will somehow live, even though I am well aware that their death is ultimately inevitable. I like being exposed to what the victims experience, because it allows for me to sincerely understand the terror that they encounter. I kind of already knew that the blood is fragile and once damaged, it can become dangerous.


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