Friday, July 27, 2012

Hot Zone Pt. 2

I found the 2nd part of the reading quite interesting and I was rather intrigued with how they were going to deal with the possible Ebola outbreak in the monkey house. Although in this part of the book they brought in some new characters that got me going back to previous pages to figure out who they were. That got a little confusing in the reading. I learned that the Ebola virus doesn't seem to jump from different species very quickly because if indeed that these monkeys have the Ebola virus in them, the people working in the monkey house would have caught it by now. I also learned about all the politics and every little detail the army has to account for when making decisions. It really shows how tough of a job that those in command have. This reading left me with some questions of how contagious this virus really is. There was a lady that was in the sick hut with malaria, but there also was people with Ebola Zaire in there, but yet she didn't get sick and got better. The same with the doctors in those huts treating them, they were breathing in the sick air for days, but didn't manage to get sick. My other question the reading left was where was this other entrance to the monkey rooms that weren't sealed off by sticky tape that the author speak of. My final question is does these monkeys really have Ebola Zaire, if yes why didn't the two scientist who whiffed the sample get sick by now?


  1. I have the same question! Hope they answer it soon!

  2. i think the scientists could have gotten it from the sample but it hasn't shown effects yet because the virus has to evolve from host to host.

  3. Not sure if this counts for anything, but there was a point in the book that mentioned that you needed like 500 particles or something to attach to the lungs before the virus was truly able to develop, so possibly the scientist who whiffed the sample just didn't reach the critical point in regard to number of particles? just a potential reason


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