Friday, July 13, 2012

Hot Zone pt. 1

Initially I thought the reading was going to be quite boring, with the introduction of Charles Monet. However the reading really caught my eye with the gruesome details of the Marburg virus that infected him. The details of what the Marburg and Ebola does to its victims is rather scary and that there is no cure, at least at that point. One quote really puts in how detrimental the virus can be on the human population, was when Silverstein said, "there was nothing that anyone could have done, he was doomed from the beginning." What really surprised me was how quickly the virus went back into hiding and how the scientists was stumped on where the virus initially started to spread. I learned that the Ebola virus can be transmitted in the air, and that these viruses are different than other viruses because it isn't a ball shaped virus, it is a filo virus. I also learned that there is a certain type of Ebola that has a 90% fatality rate. My question is how the virus has only caused a micro break, and how does it goes back to hiding so quickly?

1 comment:

  1. Agreed on the bit concerning the question of how it goes back into hiding so it quickly. It's crazy how it manages to cause massive damage and then just disappear. It's like playing peek-a-boo. But with a serial killer.


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