Monday, July 9, 2012

'Hot Zone" Post 1

This book is definitely a rude awakening to those of us who thought an outbreak of such a terrible disease could never happen. As kids, I think we all assumed something this terrible was incapable of attacking human beings, but this book is certainly doing away with such thoughts. It's weird to think that one virus could have the power to wipe out the entire human species if nothing is done about it.
 While the book can get confusing, the author pays attention to every detail which gives me a better visual of the story. At times, it seems the detail is a little unnecessary but at other times it helps me follow the story line a little closer. I learned a lot about different viruses such as AIDS and of the horrors that come along with it. My main question is how the outbreaks of  viruses such as Ebola and Marburg stop without a cure?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you about the whole idea of such a destructive disease. It's also rather scary, since it's 'invisible' in a sense. I also agree with your points on detail. It definitely made Charles Monet's symptoms more lifelike and terrifying, but often times, it became super repetitive. That's a good question! How is it that some people are able to survive these outbreaks, while others aren't?


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