Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Hot Zone (Part One)

This reading was really good! However, while Charles Monet's Marburg attack was rather gross and disturbing, part one had some high points and was extremely suspenseful. Throughout this reading, I learned about the CDC (Center of Disease Control) and the Biosafety levels, including Level 4, which is known as the hot zone. After reading this part, I still question how no one noticed that Monet was seriously ill on the plane. They tended to him a little, but just left him there, sick to his stomach. As a passenger, I would have realized that Monet's sickness was rather uncommon and that he needed medical attention.


  1. I agree with you completely. Monet's sickness wasn't not noticible. I would've notified someone to get him medical attention.

  2. I was thinking the same thing! It was as if he were invisible or something. If only it were a movie and a doctor just happened to be on the plane. Poor guy..:(

  3. I totally agree! I feel bad for the guy sitting next to him! I think I would have puked after looking at that guy throwing up his own blood!!!

  4. If a man were to ride on a plane looking like that I would have left immediately. Good observation.

  5. It's a human thing. People pass car accidents every day and just slow down to gawk instead of helping. Most people don't pick up hitch hikers or give money to homeless people.It's probably a good thing no one touched him, though. That could have caused an even larger epidemic.


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