Friday, July 27, 2012

Hot Zone Part 2

I cannot believe that there was almost a biological disaster that would have ravaged our nation's capitol. It seems weird that this is not in our history books.

I find that Jahrling and Geibert smelled the contents of a vial in the seond highest danger section of a microorganism research facility when they are not even entirely sure of the vial's contents to be incredibly idiotic. Then again, Geisbert was just an intern, and Jahlring told him it was a harmless substance.

I cannot believe they give someone that had been in the "Slammer" a cake with candles for each day they were locked up. Like that is supposed to make up for it? Make up for the horrible solitude? Not knowing what would happen, if you were going to live or die? I cannot imagine how the people that were not even sick would feel. I would rather have nothing be given to me, rather than some petty cake.

1 comment:

  1. I definetly agree that Geibert and Jahrling smelling the vial was totally stupid. As well as the cake. How can a cake really make you feel better after being stuck in the "Slammer"!Excited to keep reading! :)


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