Friday, July 27, 2012

HOT ZONE (part 2)

This has been quite the interesting section. An Ebola, or an Ebola like virus has found it's way into a city close to Washington D.C. The characters in this section seem to be confused at the beginning about how a "hot" virus can just appear like it did. But it makes sense, somewhere in Africa it all of a sudden appeared. There is probably strains of the virus all over the world and we just don't know it. How else could the Philippine monkeys got the virus?
I am excited to see how the hopeful containment of the virus in the monkey house works out. Whether it will spread even more, or if it will vanish back into the shadows like it has done in the past. New evidence, this strain seems to be able to infect through air.
As a question, I wonder if Nancy will get to see her father again before he dies? Also, why didn't Dan Dalguard want the C.D.C. guy to come to the monkey house at the end? Why didn't he want anyone there in the first place?


  1. I agree with this being an interesting section. I am also quite excited to see how the virus in the Reston Monkey House works out as well. In Part Two, it seemed as if more and more monkeys just kept dying day by day. Your questions are very good.

  2. I never thought about what you said about the fact that there could be other viruses all over the world that we dont know about...really makes you think.

  3. Interesting theory about global Ebola! Never thought of it that way! Lots of drama in this section, especially with the Jaax family. I feel bad for the characters losing close members of their families. I think the struggle for power between the monkey house, the army and the CDC is kinda pointless, if they are all trying to the same thing: contain the virus. With such a deadly virus like Zaire, I think it would be best if everybody cooperated. I hope they get it together in time.

  4. That's a good point about how viruses could be everywhere and we wouldn't have a clue. Viruses like Ebola and Marburg seem to pop up unexpectedly because some of the countries these viruses come from aren't informed about such viruses. They don't have organizations like the Institution that could identify them. Because of that, by the time they reach a country that's capable of fully identifying them, the virus could have already killed hundreds of people (or monkeys).

  5. That's a good point about how viruses could be everywhere and we wouldn't have a clue. Viruses like Ebola and Marburg seem to pop up unexpectedly because some of the countries these viruses come from aren't informed about such viruses. They don't have organizations like the Institution that could identify them. Because of that, by the time they reach a country that's capable of fully identifying them, the virus could have already killed hundreds of people (or monkeys).


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