Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hot Zone Part 2 Post

I felt that this reading of the second part of The Hot Zone hit a lot closer to home.  It seemed to be a lot more real probably because it happened in the U.S.A. and involved many familiar sounding agencies and the like.  This reading also was a lot more intense to me because of the constant scare of a U.S. outbreak.  I learned in this section that viruses can mutate into different things that can then spread or affect organisms differently.  The monkeys now came down with the virus differently and they had different effects then the original Marburg or Ebola viruses.  The only thing that I have to ask is what virus is affecting this monkey warehouse? 


  1. I would agree that this part obviously hit closer to home, as it was located in Washington and Virginia, etc, as opposed to Africa. I don't agree, however, that it was more intense. Yes it is in America, but nothing has really happened to any humans yet. It is not as intimidating because there were so many workers that were exposed to the monkeys on a regular basis and only one of them got sick, and it might not even be a direct result from the monkeys...he had a heart attack. I also learned that viruses are tricky and sneaky. It is a bit frightening that this virus behaves differently than the Marburg and Ebola, and that the doctors are hesitant with how to treat the situation. I wondered about what virus it is as well!

  2. I also really want to know what virus is in the monkey house. Is it a mutated form of Ebola or Marburg, or is it an all new filovirus? I also agree it was more intense because even though there are no clear cases of the virus in humans, the threat of an outbreak builds suspense and intensity. This is scary stuff!

  3. i agree! this second part was much more interesting. i think it's because it took place in the U.S.A. and we could relate. that's how i felt anyways. i also didn't really get if the monkey had a different disease or if it was the same one effecting both of them. this book is getting really intense!


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