Friday, July 13, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 1

The Hot Zone is a very intriguing novel. It's so hard to believe that this novel is a true story, it just creeps me out to think there are crazy things like this living out there on our planet. It really gets you thinking what can be out there in this world but we just haven't discovered it yet. I learned many things about the Ebola virus, for an example the virus was named after the place it was first discovered at. Another fact about the virus that facinated me was that the are no vacines, treatments, and how some people can get the virus don't get any of symptoms. The thing that confuses me the most is how Nancy got the virus but didn't feel any of the symptoms.


  1. Being there having no treatments for it, I would be terrified if I or anybody I know were to come in contact with the virus. It's a death sentence!

  2. Nancy didn't get the virus because her last layer of gloves didn't have a hole in it so she didn't get infected. The blood on the inside the first layer of her glove.

  3. I don't understand where you got the idea that people can contract the virus and not feel the symptoms. Some of the people, like Dr. Musoke, got the virus and didn't die; they got better and lived. Other people had close calls but didn't catch the virus, such as Nancy Jaax, but as far as I could tell nobody got the disease without experiecing symptoms


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