Friday, July 13, 2012

The Hot Zone Part 1

I think this book is interesting and easy to get into, but sometimes I feel like when they throw up, I will as well because there's a BIT too much detail. Overall, though, I find this book intriguing. I've learned    
that there are many, MANY different viruses, the Ebola Zaire being the most deadly. I also thought it was interesting to learn that UV light breaks apart viruses. I don't think I have any questions, mainly because the author takes possible ones into consideration and explains his thoughts promptly.


  1. I agree the book is very detailed about the symptoms people go through and its interesting that UV light can break apart viruses.

  2. I never knew that a UV light could break apart a virus. I wonder how that works.

  3. i agree that the book is a little too graphic at times..i started to get a little squirmy when they talked about him bleeding all over the floor of the hospital....


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