Friday, July 13, 2012

The Hot Zone part 1

The Hot Zone is a very detailed account of this horrifying virus. They present the information in a very attention grabbing way and it kind of feels like you're there watching as the story unfolds.As I was reading I learned how the virus only takes days to destroy the person and  how no one knew how this virus spread.The first question I asked while reading this book was why didn't they treat Charles Monet like a emergency patient when he came in with mysterious symptoms?    My second question was why they didn't send his blood in for testing?


  1. I think they dint treat him as emergency patient right away was because he got to the hospital by himself so no one could vouch for his symptoms. After he started hemorrhaging they admitted him instantly.

  2. I had the same thought about testing the blood. After thinking about it for awhile and putting myself in their shoes, I think they must have been too frigthened and shocked to do anything with the blood. If you just say a man die in a matter of days in such a horrific way, would you want to mess with his bodily fluids? I would want to get as far away as possible.

  3. I agree with the blood testing. I can imagine they would be pretty frightened after witnessing what had happened to him. Although, considering they are doctors wouldn't they want to know how he had gotten that way to help save people in the future?


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