Friday, July 13, 2012

The Hot Zone-Part 1

I found that  reading "The Hot Zone" was more like reading a magazine article about many different stories, paralleled with the different outbreaks. The book moved very fast and easy to jump into. I was very interested in the part that talks about Nancy Jaax and her lifestyle. At home, she appears to be an ordinary  wife and mother of 2. At work she is a veterinarian who is helping a colleague try and find a cure for ebola. There, their are many different types of zones of viruses, increasing in severity. Zones 0, 2, 3, and 4, 4 being a "Hot Zone". A question I still have from the beginning of the book is that, during the outbreaks of ebola, what were they started by in the first place, bats? In Mr. Charles Monet, there were many bats in the cave he had visited and I'm sure there are bats around the areas where the outbreaks occurred. Very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that that was pretty crazy how Nancy was living almost two complete different life styles. I had the exact smae question that you had so I decided to google it. From what I found from my research I saw that it was indeed the bats that first started the virus.


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