Friday, July 6, 2012

First 5 photos due 7/6/2012

Territorial behavior: My cat is trying to protect his territory (the house) so he is staring down a squirrel to try to make it go away.

Adaptation of an animal: This mountain goat that we saw on vacation adapted to the environment of a paved road with cars traveling on it by eating food someone threw out of their car window.

Spore: This dandelion picture my brother took clearly shows the spores, which will be blown away in the breeze, that the dandelion uses to reproduce.

Genetic variation within a population: We traveled to Bear World in South Dakota, and inside there were baby bears, which do not all look the same because of genetic variation.

Animal that has a segmented body: This looks like it's from online, but it's not, I found it on our camera.  The dragonfly has a segmented body; the head, thorax, and very long abdomen.

1 comment:

  1. The mountain goat adapted to eat on the side of the road where it was flatter and the food was easier to get to; it didn't eat people food.


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