Monday, July 16, 2012

bio picture post 2

 Cuticle Layer of a Plant- a layer on the outside of a plant's leaf that protects it's epidermal cells and limits water loss.  This leaf has a cuticle.
 Gymnosperm leaf-  a leaf that has adapted to be in condition with a gymnosperm and can develop seeds or cones on these. This shrub is an example of a gymnosperm
 Pollinator- species of invertebrates and occasionally vertebrates that spread the pollen of a plant from the male anthers to the female stamen of plants.  This insect is a pollinator.
 Homeostasis- property of a system that allows the organism to maintain stable constant conditions.  My dog, Cooper, is exhibiting homeostasis by maintaining a stable temperature and pH of his blood.
 Anther and Filament of a Stem- the pollen producing organ of a plant.  The stalk is the filament and the pollen producing a releasing area is the anther.

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