Wednesday, July 18, 2012

 Mating behavior- Dragonflies tend to fly around and search for their mating partners. This one here was right by a pool of water with multiple other dragonflies, apologies for not including the bracelet in the picture!
Tropism- The turning of all or part of an organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus. This plant is growing using a stick up around towards the sun.
 Sporophyte- The spore producing individual phase in the life cycle of a plant having alternation of generations. Pine trees are multi-celluar, diploids, and spore producing organisms.
 Ethylene- Ethylene is the hormone that causes something to ripen. This banana here will go through the phase if left like that.
 C3 Plant- C3 plants make up the majority of all the plants in the world. An apple is an example of a c3 plant.
Asexual Reproduction- This sort of reproduction s through a single parent. This means it does not require two parents. The eye spores do this in a potato.

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