Friday, July 13, 2012


C3 plant
A plant that uses the C3 carbon fixation pathway as the main structure to convert CO2 into an organic mixture.
C4 plant
A plant type where CO2 is first made into a mixture containing four carbon atoms before going into the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis
CAM plant
A plant that uses the Crassulacean acid metabolism to feed itself. This is as an adaption for certain plants that live in extremely dry habitats. At night when CO2 enters the stomata its converted into organic acids, which releases CO2 for the Calvin cycle during the day, when the stomata are closed.
Eubacteria are prokaryotic organisms. This bacteria is characterized by the lack of a membrane-enclosed nucleus, are mostly unicellular, with DNA in single circular chromosome. This yogurt was made by the process of Eubacteria aging the dairy.
Gymnosperm Leaf
A plant, such as a conifer or cycad, that bears naked seeds on its leaf.

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