Saturday, July 7, 2012

A.P. Bio Scavenger Hunt (July 6)

A.P. Bio Scavenger Hunt
(for July 6 was on vacation on the 6 so it is a day late...)
Pollen: the fertilizing element of flowering plants. This is a purple cone flower from my mother's garden.
Long-Day Plant: a plant that flowers, but only after being exposed to light after certain periods of time; ones longer than critical length, for example: summer. This is a picture of lettuce, which has these certain qualities, and is found in my family's garden.
Population: different or like organisms living together in a specific area, such as a community. This is a group of plants who share like qualities and live together in a small community: a birdbath converted into a flower box. These are succulents
Autotroph: any organism capable of self-nourishment by using inorganic materials as a source of nutrients (for example: photosynthesis) as a source of energy. This is a hollyhock from the garden by our front door.
Pollinator: (I know it's hard to see...but inside the plant, there is a little black ant.) an organism that pollinates or conveys pollen to the stigma of perhaps a flower. This is a bloom off of a trumpet vine in our backyard.

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