Friday, July 20, 2012

5 photos for ap bio scavenger hunt

Amniotic egg-  Amniotic eggs are layed by female mammals and have a yolk that help nourish the animal, and a shell to help protect it.  This amniotic egg was layed by a chicken.

Cuticle layer-  This waxy coating on this leaf is the cuticle layer, which protects the plant from losing water.

Lichen-  This green stuff on my tree is most likely lichen, which is a fungus plant that is similar to algae and grows on a lot of rocks and trees.

Exoskeleton-  This bumblebee is an example of an organism with an exoskeleton, which has a hard outer body that is meant to protect the organism.

Heterotroph-  My dog is an example of a heterotroph because it cannot make its own food and relies on its environment to provide it with food.

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