Friday, July 20, 2012

3rd Scavenger Hunt Post

(ANT)Animal with a Segmented Body: An ant has a segmented body because it has a head, thorax, and abdomen.
(PEPPER PLANT)ATP: ATP is a type pf photosynthesis that happens and provides energy for this plant to grow.
(PINEAPPLE) CAM plant: Pineapples are CAM plants because they can store water during harsh conditions, like a cactus 

(LOG) Cambium: Layers within trees made of cells that form between the bark and the wood.
(LEAF-LETTUCE PLANT) Long-day plant: Lettuce is a long day plant because it grows in the summertime when the days are longer than the nights.
(BEE) Pollinator: A bee is a pollinator because when it lands on flowers, it picks up pollen and some of it drops on other flowers it lands on, pollinating them.
(BREAD) Unicellular organism: Yeast is a unicellular organism and yeast is used to make bread.

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