Thursday, July 19, 2012

12 photos

Lichen- composite organisms that are a combination of a fungal partner and one or more photosynthetic partners that grow in leaflike ,crustlike, or branching forms on rocks, trees, etc.

Fermentation- the chemical breakdown of substances by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, in wine, sugar is added to yeast yields alcohol and carbon dioxide. The yeast converts the natural sugars  into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is then released from the wine mixture and the alcohol remains.

Enzyme- proteins that help to change the rate of a chemical reaction. Water acts as an enzyme in many situations and chemical reactions. An example of this is how water helps with digestion and helps to clean the stomach

C3 plant- a plant that first fixes CO into a compound that has three carbon atoms before it finally enters the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis. An example of a C3 plant is rice.

Connective tissue- a fibrous tissue that is one of the four traditional classes of tissues, that  typically has cells scattered throughout an extracellular matrix, and is found in cartilage, which is what the ear is made of.

Cuticle layer of a plant-  a waxy coating that helps prevent desiccation, which is when plants lose water to air, it provides support and protection for the leaf much like what human skin does

Rhizome- an underground mass of roots and a horizontal stem of a plant, that spread rapidly over vast amounts of land, which carrots are an example of

Epithelial tissue- covers the whole surface of the body and is made up of cells closely packed and ranged in one or more layers
Introduced species- a species that is living outside its natural place of origin, which has arrived there by the activity of humans that was either accidental or deliberate, having oranges in Wisconsin is an example of this because they are grown in warmer climates, and cannot be grown here

Modified stem of a plant- a bulb, which can be found on onions, is a type of a modified stem of a plant. Bulbs happen when the stem is reduced and represented by a short disc

Endosperm- the tissue within the seed of a flowering plant that surrounds and nourishes the developing embryo. It is found in corn, and it is what allows corn to pop creating popcorn 

Hydrophobic- molecules that are not attracted to and will not combine with water unlike hydrophilic substances that combine with and dissolve into water. Oils are a great example of hydrophobic molecules

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